DISCOVERY: Photo-Identification Data-Management System for Individually Recognizable Animals
Question 1: How to install DISCOVERY on a Mac?
DISCOVERY has been tested, but not extensively, on Mac computers. This is a Windows-based application and Mac users will need to install a virtual Windows environment such as Boot Camp.
Question 2: Renaming procedure appears to "freeze" after I click the “Rename Images” button, what should I do?
The renaming procedure takes time (dependent on the number of files). During the process the software may not respond to new renaming request, users should wait until the process finishes. DISCOVERY's renaming progress is shown by the green status bar at bottom right of the form.
Question 3: I cannot rename the photos as what I intended after I click the “Rename Images” button, what should I do?
DISCOVERY allows user to rename the photos according to their own definition. To define a new filename structure, please refer to the example in DISCOVERY's Manual.
Procedures can be found in DISCOVERY's Manual Chapter 1 > Defining Directory/Filename Structure.
Question 4: The map cannot be shown in “View” > “Map”, what should I do?
Please download the latest version of ActiveX of MapWindow and install.
Question 5: There is nothing shown in “View” > “Individual”, what should I do?
DISCOVERY supports multi-species and multi-study sites, user need to define the study area and species to let DISCOVERY know what should be displayed.
Procedures can be found in DISCOVERY Manual Chapter 1 > General> Study Area and Chapter 1 > General> Species.
Question 6: When I open “Incoming” > “Filtering”, the program runs into error and closes automatically.
This can occur when the Incoming directory is assigned to the protected folders. To solve this simply change the Incoming directory to another folder.
Procedures can be found in DISCOVERY's Manual Chapter 1 > Parameter Setup > Incoming > Incoming Directory Structure.
Question 7: When I open “Database” > “Match”, the program runs into an error and closes automatically.
This occurs when the Catalog folder was assigned to the same folder as the Incoming directory. To solve this simply change the Catalog to another folder. We suggest to use a different folder solely for storing the catalog.
Procedures can be found in DISCOVERY's Manual Chapter 1 > Parameter Setup > Catalog.
© 2012 Glenn Gailey and Leszek Karczmarski
The Swire Institute of Marine Science, The University of Hong Kong