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Glenn Gailey, Ph.D.


Gailey G, Karczmarski L (2014) Discovery: Photo-identification data management system for individually recognizable animals. Wildlife Photo-ID Network, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland, 3-6 Nov. 2014.



Chan CSY, Gailey G, Karczmarski L (2016) Discovery: A photo-identification data management system. 14th Annual Internation Savana Science Network Meeting. South Africa 7-11 Mar. 2016


Chan S, Gailey G, Karczmarski L (2015) Discovery-R: A gentle introduction. Wildlife Photo-ID Network, University of Eastern Finland, Koli, Finland, 23-26 Feb. 2015.


Southall B, DeRuiter S, Friedlaender A, Hazen E, Goldbogen J, Stimpert A, Langrock R, Harris C, Thomas L, Schorr G, Allen A, Gailey G, Falcone E, Moretti D, Calambokidis J (2015) Complementary analyses of behavioral responses to sonar in blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus). 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Francisco, CA 13-18 Dec. 2015


Stimpert A, DeRuiter S, Falcone E, Joseph J, Douglas A, Moretti D, Friedlander A, Calambokidis J, Gailey G, Tyack P, Goldbogen J (2015) Sound production and associated behavior of tagged fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the Southern California Bight. 21st Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Francisco, CA 13-18 Dec. 2015

Wong W-H, Karczmarski, L and G. Gailey. (2013).  Coastal ecotourism and industrial impacts on Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins in Hong Kong.  20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand. 9-13 Dec. 2013.


Muir, J.E., Ainsworth, L., Joy, R., Racca, R., Bychkov, Y., Gailey, G., Vladimirov, V., Starodymov, S., and B. Broker. (2013). Western gray whale distribution and abundance during a 4-D seismic survey off Sakhalin Island, Russia. 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand. 9-13 Dec. 2013.


Biondi, J., Smultea, M.A., Bacon, C.E., Gailey, G., Sychenko, O., Würsig, B., Bonizzoni, S. and G. Bearzi. (2013). Longitudinal comparisons of digital photography of marine mammals from aircraft and shore. 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand. 9-13 Dec. 2013.


Ainsworth, L. Muir, J., Gailey, G., and R. Racca. (2013). A case study in zero-inflation: a space-time model for whale densities in the presence of pulsed sound. TIES (The International Environmetrics Society). Anchorage, AK.


Racca, R., Rutenko, A., Broker, K. and G. Gailey. (2012). Model based sound level estimation and in-field adjustment for real-time mitigation of behavioural impacts from a seismic survey and post-event evaluation of sound exposure for individual whales. Proceedings of Acoustics 2012. Fremantle, Australia. 


Broker, K., Muir, J.E., Gailey, G., and R. Racca. (2011). Development and implementation of a western gray whale monitoring and mitigation plan for a 4-D seismic survey. 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals Tampa, FL, 27 November – 02 December 2011.


Tyurneva O. Yu., Yakovlev Yu. M., Vertyankin V. V., Gailey G., Sychenko O. (2011). Discovery of a new feeding area for western gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) cow-calf  pairs on the south-east shelf of Kamchatka. 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals Tampa, FL, 27 November – 02 December 2011, P. 289.


Sychenko, O., Gailey, G., and B. Würsig. (2011). Movement patterns of gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) on feeding grounds off Sakhalin Island, Russia. 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Tampa, Fl.


Muir, J.E., Broker, K., Gailey, G. and R. Racca. (2011). Western gray whale monitoring and mitigation plan for a seismic survey. IMCC2: 2nd International Marine Conservation Congress. 14-18 May 2011. Victoria, B.C., Canada.


Tyurneva O. Yu., Yakovlev Yu. M., Vertyankin V. V., Gailey G., Sychenko O. and Muir J. E. (2010). Photographic identification of the Korean-Okhotsk gray whale (Eschrichtius robustus) offshore northeast Sakhalin Island and southeast Kamchatka peninsula (Russia), 2009. SC/62/BRG submitted to the IWC 62 Scientific Committee Meeting, Agadir, Morocco, June 2010. 12 pp.


Gailey, G., T. McDonald , R. Racca, O. Sychenko, A. Rutenko, and B. Würsig. (2007). Influences of underwater sound and nearshore vessel activity on western gray whales. 17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Cape Town, South Africa.


Norris, T., B. Hanson, D. Mellinger, G. Gailey, and T. Yack. (2007). Passive acoustic detection, localization and tracking of killer whales along the coastal waters of Washington, Oregon and California: A case study of tracking highly mobile, vocally unpredictable and spatially dispersed marine mammals. 17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Cape Town, South Africa.


Sychenko, O., G. Gailey and B. Würsig. (2007). Western gray whale shore-based photo-identification, 2004-2006. 17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. Cape Town, South Africa.


Vladimorov, V., Blokhin S.A., Vladimirov, A.V., Maminov, M.K., Rutenko, A.N., Starodymov, E.P., Sychenko, O., Tyurneva, Yu, Fadeev, V.I., Shvetsov, E.P., Yakovlev, Y.M., Gailey, G., and B. Würsig. (2006). Results of 2005 western gray whale studies in coastal waters off northeastern Sakhalin. SC/58/BRG28 submitted to IWC scientific committee.


Hillman, G.R.   Kehtarnavaz, N.   Würsig, B.   Araabi, B.   Gailey, G.   Weller, D.   Mandava, S.   Tagare, H.  (2002). “Finscan", a computer system for photographic identification of marine animals. Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2002. 24th Annual Conference and the Annual Fall Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society] EMBS/BMES Conference, 2002.


Gailey, G., B. Würsig, G. Hillman and N. Kehtarnavaz. (2001). A computer-based approach to photo-identification: effects of image quality and individual distinctiveness.  14th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals.  p. 78.


Hillman, G.R., B. Würsig, G. Gailey, N. Kehtarnavaz, B.N. Araabi, D. Weller, S. Mandava, and H.D. Tagare. (2001). Finscan: Computer-assisted photo-identification. 14th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals.  p. 99.


Karczmarski, L., B. Würsig, S. Rickards, G. Gailey, C. Vanderlip, and K. Larson. (2001). Spinner dolphins in a remote atoll habitat: ecological bases of social dynamics. 14th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals.  p. 111.


Würsig, B and G. Gailey. (2001). Aquaculture and marine mammals: potential concerns. World Aquaculture – The Annual International Meeting of WAS, 21-25 January 2001. p. 703.


Karczmarski, L., B. Würsig and G. Gailey. (2000).  Social behaviour of insular delphinid population: the spinner dolphin model.  A presentation at Animal Social Complexity and Intelligence: a multi-disciplinary comparative discussion, Conference held at the Chicago Academy of Sciences, 23 – 26. August 2000, Chicago, Illinois, USA.


Gailey, G. and J.G. Ortega-Ortiz. (2000). A computer-based system for theodolite tracking cetaceans. Resúmenes XXV Reunión Internacional para el Estudio de los Mamíferos Marinos, 7-11 May 2000. La Paz, Baja California Sur, México.


Gailey, G., B. Würsig, G. Hillman, N. Kehtarnavaz, A. Drobyshevsky, and D. Weller. (1999).  Computer-assisted photo-identification of bottlenose dolphins.  13th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals.  p. 63.


Hillman, G., B. Würsig, N. Kehtarnavaz, D. Weller, A. Kreho, O. Drobyshevskyy, K. Elder, B. Araabi, T. McKinney, G. Gailey, and H. Tagare.  (1999). Individual identification of dolphins in field photographs:  A computer-based system.  13th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals.  p. 81.


© Glenn Gailey

© Glenn Gailey

Academic Record
  • Ph.D. Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University (2013)

  • M.Sc. Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University (2001)

  • B.Sc. Marine Biology, Texas A&M University at Galveston (1998)

Recent Projects

Anthropogenic Impacts

Behavioural Ecology

Conservation Biology

Methodological Research


Research Interests

2014 - ongoing: SOCAL_BRS – Controlled Exposure Experiment (CEE) to examine behavioral response of blue whales, fin whales, beaked whales and Risso’s dolphins to Navy sonar exposure.

2001 - ongoing: Population, behaviour, abundance and spatial ecology of the critically endangered population of western gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) on their summer feeding grounds off the northeastern coast of Sakhalin Island, Russia. Examine potential influences of anthropogenic activity primarily related to oil and gas construction and exploration activities.


2010 - ongoing: Research geared to monitor and understand the population biology, social dynamics, and behavioural ecology of the Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) in Hong Kong. This research also examines the potential impacts of anthropogenic activity relative to eco-tourism, vessel traffic, bridge construction, and airport expansion.


2004 - ongoing: Assess acoustic, abundance, movement, and behavioural data as well as review documents, presentations and reports and present findings to a scientific panel of marine mammal scientist (WGWAP, convened by the IUCN) who's objective is to provide scientific advice and recommendations on how an oil & gas company can minimize risks associated with its operations on the western gray whales and their habitat.


2004 - 2005: Sperm Whale Seismic Survey (SWSS) project that was primarily focused on satellite tagging of sperm whales in the Gulf of Mexico.


2003 - 2004: Population ecology, social organization and ecotourism impacts on dusky dolphins (Lagenoryhncus obscurus) off the coast of Kaikoura, New Zealand.


Research Scientist

Quantitative Ecology

Cetacean Ecosystem Research

E-mail: GGailey(AT)

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