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DISCOVERY: Photo-Identification Data Management System
for Individually Recognizable Animals
DISCOVERY workshop at Australia/New Zealand Student Chapter of the Society for Marine Mammalogy
Date: 23 November 2016

Venue: Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia

Organizer: Student chapter committee

Instructor: Stephen C.Y Chan

One-day workshop held at ANZSCSMM to introduce student participants to the recently developed new features of the DISCOVERY software, with hands-on practical training.

DISCOVERY workshop at the 1st meeting of Wildlife Photo-ID Network

Date: 5 November 2014

Venue: 1st International Symposium and Workshop of the Wildlife Photo-ID Network   

Organizer: University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland  

Speakers: Glenn Gailey & Leszek Karczmarski

Keynote followed with demonstrations and discussion at the 1st meeting of the International Wildlife Photo-ID Network, sponsored by Finish Cultural Foundation.

DISCOVERY workshop at the 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals

Date: 27 November 2011

Venue: Conference Centre, Tampa, Florida USA

Organizers: Leszek Karczmarski & Glenn Gailey

Instructors: Glenn Gailey, Leszek Karczmarski, Olga Sychenko & Simon Wong

​One-day workshop introducing the DISCOVERY Photo-ID Data-Management System; it gave a comprehensive overview of all functions and capabilities of the software, along with hands-on examples of how to incorporate existing data into the new system.


Regional workshop on population connectivity and conservation of Sousa chinensis off the Chinese coast

(jointly with Prof  Kaiya Zhou of Nanjing Normal University).

Nanjing, China, 4-7 June 2010.


Regional capacity building

South-East Asian Training Workshops

Organizer and Chair:  Dr. Leszek Karczmarski

Host: Cetacean Ecology Lab, SWIMS

Organizing Committee: Postgraduate Lab members



1st Regional Training Workshop in Computational Behavioural Ecology:
Quantitative Ecology and Population Modelling using NOVA Computational Platform


Invited Expert Instructors:

Prof Wayne Getz

University of California, Berkeley, USA


1-5 May 2017

Prof Richard Salter

Oberlin College, Ohio, USA

Hands-on session at the Spatial Ecology workshop
Wayne Getz and Leszek Karczmarski at the
Analytical Training Colloquium:
Large Socio-Behavioural Datasets


Invited Expert Instructor:

Dr. Shannon Gowans

Eckerd College, St Petersburg, Florida, USA


13-15 January 2017

9th South-East Asian Training Workshop in Marine Mammal Research Techniques:
Quantitative Socio-Behavioural Analysis using SOCPROG


Invited Expert Instructor:

Dr. Shannon Gowans

Eckerd College, St Petersburg, Florida, USA


5-10 January 2017

8th South-East Asian Training Workshop in Marine Mammal Research Techniques: 
Photo-Identification Data Management: Application of R Statistics

Invited Expert Instructor:

Dr. Glenn Gailey


Olympia, WA, USA


20-25 October 2014

7th South-East Asian Training Workshop in Marine Mammal Research Techniques: 
Population Trend Analysis

Invited Expert Instructor:

Dr. Alex Huang

Cetacean Ecology Lab, SWIMS

The University of Hong Kong  


9-11 May 2014

2nd Regional Training Workshop in Computational Behavioural Ecology

Spatial Ecology and Quantitative Analyses of Animal Movement


Invited Expert Instructors:

Prof Wayne Getz

Dr. Eric Dougherty 

Dr. Dana Seidel  

University of California, Berkeley, USA


3-12 January 2018

Analytical Techniques Regional Training Course:
Socio-Ecological and Socio-Behavioural Analyses of Group-Living Mammals


Invited Expert Instructor:

Ms. Wei-Lun Chang

Cetacean Ecology Lab, SWIMS

The University of Hong Kong  


27-29 January 2014

Analytical Techniques Regional Training Course:
Database Management System for Photo-Identification Studies


Invited Expert Instructor:

Dr. Glenn Gailey


Olympia, WA, USA


20-30 June 2012

6th South-East Asian Training Workshop in Marine Mammal Research Techniques:
Principles of Remote Sensing


Invited Expert Instructor:

Dr. Barend Erasmus

School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences

University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa


7-10 January 2012

5th South-East Asian Training Workshop in Marine Mammal Research Techniques:
Ecological Niche Modelling


Invited Expert Instructor:

Dr. Barend Erasmus

School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences

University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa


2-5 January 2012


4th South-East Asian Training Workshop in Marine Mammal Research Techniques:
GIS Techniques: Principles and Concepts


Invited Expert Instructor:

Dr. Mark Keith

School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences

University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa


Centre for Wildlife Management

University of Pretoria, South Africa



28-31 December 2011

Dr. Lyndon Brooks

Research Methods and Statistics

Southern Cross University, Australia


3rd South-East Asian Training Workshop in Marine Mammal Research Techniques:
Quantitative Population Analyses with Mark-Recapture Techniques


Invited Expert Instructors:

Prof. Kenneth H. Pollock

Centre for Fish and Fisheries Research

Murdoch Univsersity, Australia


North Carolina State University

Raleigh, USA


10-15 December 2011

2nd South-East Asian Training Workshop in Marine Mammal Research Techniques:
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)


Invited Expert Instructor:       

Dr. Mark Keith

School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences

University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa


Centre for Wildlife Management

University of Pretoria, South Africa


14-16 July 2011

Regional Pearl River Delta Training Workshop in Marine Mammal Research Techniques:
Tracking of Animal Movement with the use of surveyor's Theodolite and a dedicated software system 

Invited Expert Instructor:

Dr. Glenn Gailey

Marine Mammal Research Program

Texas A&M University, Galveston, USA



Olympia, WA, USA

10-20 June 2011

Dr. Ana Cañadas

ALNILAM Research and Conservation

Madrid, Spain

1st South-East Asian Training Workshop in Marine Mammal Research Techniques:
Estimation of Population Parameters


Invited Expert Instructors:

Prof Philip Hammond

Sea Mammal Research Unit

University of St. Andrews, Scotland


3-11 December 2010

Group photo - 2nd Regional Workshop in C

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Design by Carmen Or, Andy Lee and Leszek Karczmarski

Website administrator: Andy Lee

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